Individual Long Term Disability Insurance.

We specialize in insurance products that can help protect your wealth, your family and your future.

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, what would you do if you were unable to work because you were injured or became seriously ill? How would you maintain your lifestyle and pay your monthly living expenses?

Long term disability coverage can provide you up to 70% of your lost income. Unlike group Long Term Disability that you may have or had with an employer, when you purchase individual Long Term Disability it is portable, which means you own it for as long as you pay the premiums.

  • If you become disabled, due to illness or injury, and can’t work for an extended time period, Long Term Disability insurance helps replace lost income.
  • Coverage can begin within 60 or 90 days and last up until age 65 or longer.
  • While policies vary by occupation, after a specified waiting period, claimants unable to perform their prior work duties can receive benefits of up to 70% of their prior employment income.
  • Social Security provides little to none of an individual’s previously earned income, Long Term Disability insurance can help bridge the gap.
  • For an added cost, additional riders and features may also include cost-of-living adjustments, lengthier own occupation definitions, higher maximums.

Contact us for a complimentary benefits analysis today.

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